Tech Featured How Redux Works - Part 2 In this post we'll cover the various other files in the library. While some of these contain simple utilities, others are much more complex. We'll also cover the infamous redux-thunk.
Tech Featured How Redux Works - Part 1 In this article we'll be covering createStore. This is the function that sets up the redux store and provides access to getState, dispatch, subscribe, and replaceReducer.
Tech Featured TS Tricks: Higher Order Components Higher order components are a useful pattern for creating composable logic within a React application. While they're not as popular as other tools like render props or hooks, they're still worth knowing. How do higher order components work? Well as we discussed in Functional Programming Fundamentals
Tech Featured TS Tricks: Type-safe Reducers We're going to talk about how to build a type-safe reducer. Now, I use these for redux reducers, but these principles could apply to any function.
Tech Featured TS Tricks: Type Guards With everyone getting excited about Typescript I thought it'd be fun to do a walkthrough of one of my favorite features, type guards. These are type-safe functions that allow us to assert that an argument matches a certain type. The best part is these work at runtime!
Tech Featured Functional Programming Fundamentals In this post, we’ll discuss the fundamentals of Functional Programming and how they apply to modern JavaScript. We’ll also avoid unnecessary jargon like monads and functors and stick to concepts that will make our code better.
Tech Featured Redux with Code-Splitting and Type Checking How do you code-split your store so you’re not serving unnecessary JavaScript on a single page? And while you’re working on code splitting, how do you get it to play nicely with TypeScript so that you can trust what’s going in and coming out of the store?